Back-to-School Health Checklist

North Memorial Better Health Blog Author Logo
August 9, 2018

While you’re searching for that superhero lunch box and those light-up sneakers before the start of school, remember to schedule your child’s wellness exam. Kids need different health checks at different ages to stay their healthiest, and North Memorial Health can help you stay up-to-date on school requirements including immunizations, physicals and screenings. Back-to-school season is also a good time to address any questions or concerns you have about your child’s health and development.

Get your family ready for the new school year:

  • Back-to-School and Sports Physicals: You can check these off your list at the same time – just be sure to bring your school form along. Specific requirements vary by age, school and sport, but in general, physicals are designed to ensure your child is healthy and physically prepared to participate in activities. Physicals are also an opportunity to confidentially talk to teens about smoking, sexual activity and recreational drug use. Sports physicals include screening for injuries, underlying heart and breathing problems, as well as other health issues that can be dangerous to your student athlete.
  • Immunizations: There are a series of immunizations required prior to starting kindergarten, as well as several for teenagers and adults. Check these immunization schedules for youth, teens and adults to ensure everyone is up-to-date.
  • Vision and Hearing: Your child’s wellness exam will include a cursory vision and hearing screening. Good vision and hearing are critical to excel in school, and changes are not always noticeable. If your child has recurring headaches when reading or online, sits too close to the TV, or squints to see things, he or she could be experiencing vision issues.

girl coloring with mom

School nurses are great resources for making sure your child stays healthy throughout the school year. If your child has health issues, such as asthma or ADHD, be sure to connect with the school nurse to coordinate care plans and ensure medications are in place.

Lastly, always make sure your child’s medical history and emergency contact information are organized and up-to-date.

Schedule a wellness exam for your child at one of North Memorial Health’s 15 clinics and check a back-to-school physical off your list today.

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The American Academy of Pediatrics offers a wide array of back-to-school health and safety advice ranging from backpack safety and preparing for the first day, to school bus safety, bullying and study habits.

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