Complete care for Women. Understanding your health risks.

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May 16, 2018

While women are more likely than men to take advantage of preventive care, many are more focused on taking care of others so they often neglect themselves. That’s why North Memorial Health makes it easy for you to make your health a priority. With access to a variety of specialties including Heart and Vascular, Dermatology, Genetics Counseling and Sleep Medicine, you can start to take steps to focus on your health.

Annual Wellness Exams

It is recommended that, beginning between the of ages 13 and 15, all women should see a primary care provider once a year for routine health screenings and an overall health assessment. This annual exam promotes prevention and helps to identify potential health risks. This exam typically includes:

  • Routine preventive screenings
  • Immunizations
  • Breast exam and recommendations for regularly scheduled mammograms based on individual risk factors
  • Pelvic exam with a Pap test (every three years from age 21 to 29)
  • Pap test with Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) test (every five years from age 30 to 65)
  • Depression assessment
  • Counseling on reproductive life planning, smoking cessation, weight management, general health risks, menopause and sexual health management

Cardiology Personal Risk Assessment

Cardiovascular symptoms tend to present differently in women than they do in men, with women typically having more vague symptoms. Common symptoms of angina are chest pressure, shortness of breath, arm pain and jaw pain especially with activity. Women, however, can present with just shortness of breath with exertion, easy fatigue or dizziness, so pay attention to your body.

Women should know their risk factors. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol problems, a smoking history or a family history of heart disease, you should follow up with a physician. If you have risk factors for heart disease, a stress test may be in order.

At North Memorial Health, our expert cardiologists partner with you to provide specially-crafted, comprehensive and incomparable care. We conduct a personal risk assessment and develop a care plan that is catered to your needs.

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Dermatology Consulations

Our skin is our body’s largest organ and it’s important to keep it healthy. That’s why North Memorial Health Dermatology offers expert skin care for patients of all ages. Our dermatologists focus on preventive care and holistic options from making sure to always wear sunscreen to drinking plenty of water, preventive skin care doesn’t have to be complicated.

Risk Factors

Anyone can get skin cancer, but the following can increase your risk:

  • Light skin that burns, but does not tan.
  • Multiple blistering sun burns during childhood.
  • Intermittent, high-dose sun exposure.

Call to make an appointment at one of our 3 locations: Golden Valley, Minnetonka, and New Hope.
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Cancer Risk Assessment with a Genetic Counselor

Some families have a high cancer risk due to inherited genetic factors. Genetic testing can help you better understand your risk and determine the most effective screening and prevention efforts. With our cancer risk assessment at North Memorial Health Cancer Center, we partner with you and your family to discuss your family history and your genetic risks.

When it comes to understanding your cancer risks, you can be your own health advocate. Learn more from our very own Genetic Counselor Joy Larsen Haidle on:

Speak with your primary care provider to learn more.
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Sleep Tips

One of the most important and often overlooked factors of good health is sleep. From not getting enough sleep to not getting quality sleep, gender differences in sleep start at a young age. Overall, women tend to report less satisfaction with their sleep quality than men.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends women sleep seven or more hours per night on a regular basis to promote optimal health. However, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause can all have a negative effect on sleep. Changes in the level of female hormones can affect sleep, and women are more prone to conditions like sleep apnea, insomnia and restless leg syndrome.

Developing good sleep habits can help improve sleep quality. Some tips include:

  • Make your bedroom a quiet, comfortable retreat.
  • Go to bed early enough to sleep at least seven hours each night.
  • Keep a consistent sleep schedule, including getting up at the same time every day.
  • Limit exposure to bright light in the evenings.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet including foods rich in iron.
  • Exercise each day at a pace that feels comfortable.
  • Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening and alcohol before bedtime.
  • Turn off any electronics at least 30 minutes before bed.

In addition to these tips, if you feel like you may have a sleep condition such as sleep apnea, insomnia or restless leg syndrome, it may be beneficial to schedule a sleep study. Talk to your primary care provider for recommendations.

Care for Women

With a broad range of services and expertise, North Memorial Health works as a team to ensure all women receive the care that meets their individual healthcare needs. Primary care and women’s specialty services are available throughout the Twin Cities.

Get started by scheduling an appointment with a primary care provider.

Call 763-581-5090 or Schedule an Appointment

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